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Monday, November 19, 2018

C.D. Aring MD

My teacher/mentor of neurology was also an accomplished writer. One Christmas he invited us (residents) at his home and placed a lot of books on a table asked us to choose one (that was his custom every Christmas). I did and he gifted that to me with his (beautiful) writing. He was a migraneur and always wanted to be perfect (and taught us the same) The published book for example I have has three 'typos' which have been appropriately corrected in his hand.
 I shall quote some thing from the book I still have which is a collection of his writings (essays/advice) 
 Today,s quote (Talking about use of language in teaching a medical student for both the teacher and student)
 "The appreciation of value of language leads to the acknowledgement of three rules for good expression:
 The first and possibly the most important is 'to have a point'
 The second is make it out and
The third is that it should be made out in eighteen-carat (in my language it would be 24 carat) impeccable idiomatic English.

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