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Friday, February 24, 2017

Ms. Le Pen and hijab

 There has been a lot of media advertisement of feminism and hijab of women (Muslim)with the news of French Presidential Candidate, Ms. Marine Le Pen and her refusal to don the hijab.
 To start with yes, it was within her rights NOT TO wear hijab when asked at the time of meeting the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. She certainly took a brave step in refusal and desereves admiration though not for the reasons the media or commentators seem to imply
 The Mufti called it was "protocol" non-observance. (really?)
 I also read a lot of "comments" as I always do and found what I expected:
 Strong prejudice of writers almost all Christians (They still continue the Crusade Mentality) and Jews, no Muslim commentator (and I can understand why). Nor would I like to  make comments to those people who do not understand anything and only express their prejudice. Lot of filth thrown at Muslims and their religion and their culture etc.
 First, I do not see anything "feminism" in refusing to wear a peace of cloth which is meant for respect. That is just individual attitude/preference to which any man or a woman or an LGBT person is entitled to accept or reject. Some of the comments, however need to be commented upon
 Most commentators express (as you would expect) that wearing hijab is a sign of woman's subjugation and man's superiority so a man of Muslim (older/backward) culture can beat her up and make her behave (as if this does not happen in the Western culture) as a slave and so many examples from the media are available where women in the Muslim countries are subjected to this but then all other things like cutting of hands, beheading and so forth all are cited
 Media teaching is pretty thorough
 There was a minimal mention that Catholic and some Jewish women also wear such head scarf but nobody mentions Nuns and/or going to church etc.. Not too long ago most women here in the West did the same thing while men wore hats nearly always and so if some men in the Muslim countries still wear a Turban why should it be placed with women's hijab. I cannot find the relationship if they consider head wear of men and women to be for similar reasons?
 But then in mentioning "other things" somebody went wild in throwing filth at the Yeroshelam Mufti, a religious head/leader that " the grand Mufti" sided with the Hitler" Amazing! It is true the Grand Mufti during 2nd WW when the English were "governing" Jerusalem they exiled the grand Mufti who along with some other Muslims was angry (rightfully) with the English. However that does not mean he should have sided with Hitler but Hitler's main job of killing 6 million Jews had not yet been completed and the Nazi culture had not been completely exposed. I guess the Turks were also siding with Germany but not for hatred against Jews. The hatred of Jews has throughout history been a purely Christian undertaking.
However that is not the point I wish to make.
 Speaking from Muslim point of view I have some comments for them too
   Why has hijab been given so much importance for female dress (by Muslims and Ulama etc.)and no mention about other things of the Muslim dress (for both men and women). Just look at the tightness of upper and lower body dresses and you know what I am talking about head cover is meant to cover Hair and upper chest as these are attractive parts of the female body But for some reason women in the West have always been increasing gradually the exposure of these parts of the body as well as legs and thighs in everyday dress. This is "fashion" and so when a woman covers such parts of her body she is considered "old-fashioned" but I would not go beyond that much and start saying that is making women slaves.Wife-beating is a world-wide practice, not limited to Muslim countries. Lack of respect for women is likewise world-wide and not limited to  one culture. I may not be able to quote the statistics in each country but there is no n doubt "the weaker sex" is always dominated by the "stronger sex" and will continue in every society till the end of the times.

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