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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fifty Years ago today

 It was a foggy morning and I arrived at the Karachi Airport (old one) and boarded the PIA plane a  Boing-727 jet. I do not remember seat number (I have a bad habit of remembering funny things). When we reached London by this PIA flight it was around 4pm and beautiful sunny afternoon. By the time I reached Saeed 's hospital  (Chasefarm) in Essex it was 8-9 pm. A week later I wrote down my experience of this very first  (commercial) flight of my life and so it is easy to recall and write now how I felt on that day. It feels like 50 years have just passed in a year or so. Little did I know I'll end up in USA and will not return to Pakistan for living. Please see FB and Twitter  also

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mystic said...


Your FB page is not working.....

bsc said...

I do not understand it but I will try to do something. My nephew's son who is in England was shocked to see how little it cost 50 years ago (he did not have any trouble getting into my FB note.

bsc said...

Well This note I am writing 12 years later
Yes 2023 13th October
I was wondering when I wrote this so I found it here to add this note

bsc said...

Another note on this fateful day when I left Pakistan 13th of October now writing on 2024
Interesting i remember some person had told me you cannot leave pakistan until you are 28 yrs old My 28th year of life bagan on 11th just two days earlier