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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jesus marriage- na'uzdubillah

I know you have all seen and heard about Da Vinci code and all the discussions recently.
I was listening to it today again.
The scholars both ordained as well as just historians were talking.
What strikes me is the calmness with which every one answers questions and with no surprising expressions on the questioner's face and they are talking about "Son of God". (For them it is a whole lot more than a Prophet)
Indeed there is so much mysticism curiosity, exaggeration etc. included that everybody comes out confused at the end and no good explanations are offered about the holy grail, the painting of the Last supper, Mary Magdelene and the Knights Templer, Fair prince of France and a host of other characters in the "mythology" (Considering that no solid evidence is produced and all is conjecture and stretch of imagination of each writer). I am leaving out Magdelene's child or children and "Lineage" of Jesus with Kings and so on.
Then there were no violent demonstrations in the Christian world, no burning of the books and no significant "outrage" of the less educated Christians and no deaths. Yes there was some rhetoric.