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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bazad Lakhnavi and his Ghazals

 Now I wish to talk about my earliest music memories, a Ghazal by Behzad Lakhnavi

        Behzad was born on  January ONE, of the year 1900  (interesting the very first day of the twentieth Century)and died Oct 10, 1974. So today being the 10th of October,  it is his 50th Death anniversary, I sort of chose to write this blog for that reason 
 I will relate only two Ghazals here (although he wrote many good Ghazals and Na'ats,) His first ghazal that became popular was;
 Deevana banana hay toe deevana bana day
 This was made famous by the renowned singer Akhteri bai Fayzabadi who is more known now by the name - Begum Akhter. (Who also died in October 1974.) The tune that I remember is the same from Begum Akhter
  Just a little background of music in my family; Those were days when (mid thrities) only Gramaphones were found and the only such instrument was in our neighboring Wakeel saabs home where I used to go frequently for playing (even of earliest family photograph is taken in their garden a year before the birth of my youngest sister Amina) I had not seen any radio anywhere in our aquaintances or neighbors There was only one or may be two cars in our city
 So once in a while Wakeelan (with her husband) woud visit Saugor and then she would play (there were only one or two record discs) one record with the same song like "Ik Bangla banay niyara" or something like that and I was so fascinated with the machine and used to pick up the thrown away needle to keep with me. We all children would sit quietly listening to the record
  Anyway ,In our family (a maulavi family) music as not allowed but father  had allowed my older sisters to participate in dholki and songs in various wedding families as was a custom (was the same in Panjab villages)  Apa Sakina was popular for her dholki playing among the young girls of her days. So my older sisters had picked up this ghazal  from its poularity in India and used to sing from whom I learned that same tune which I still recall and just renewed my knowledge from Google.
 The next Ghazal of Behzad Lakhnavi  that bacame very popular was when I was in college and that was 
Ay jazba-e-dil ger men chahoon, her cheese muqabil aa jayay 
Manzil k liyay do gaam chaloon awr samnay manzil aa jayay
  Indeed these were his master pieces among other Ghazals and na'ats

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bollywood film PremYoge (1994-6)

Go back to November 1, 2020 blog about Bollywood films derived totally or partly from Hollywood
 And I just watched this Rishi Kapur film the substance of which is exactly from "Coming to America" Staring Eddie Murphy and "Indianofied "the story deftly indeed Enjoyed it

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Have not sais anything for two months now Trying to get adjusted in our new "home"
Everything is different except our advancing yrs of life. Suddenly watching TV this morning 23rd anniversary of 9-11 comes up and asilence moment is observed a yearly routine for the human lives that were lost. No idea who was responsible but one thing certain, life has undergone a distinct change, good or bad or both I cant decide. It is like  The Pandemic we went through. Our memories are getting dimmer about events of life and even an event like 9-11 I dont know how the new generation will take such "history" and how they will react

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Saturday, July 20, 2024


A small "remiss" with a world wide effect
 We are told the was a flawed update in the usual everyday business of microsoft produced by a good company " Crowedstrike" (Note this name croud striking) that call it and it brought  a huge disturbance  in worldwide business of banking and air flights just to name a couple of problems but just imagine the delayed and cancelled flights that occur with local bad weather effects. Yes and that was  seen long lines and disturbances of people in the airports the world over similar to COVID 19
   I belong to a generation of precomputer days and feel such things in a very different way I had written long time ago about the modern day gadgetry that a day is not far when you ask a person how much is 2 plus 2 and he will tick tick on his calculater and tell you four or another "exaggeration" that you say salam to a friend he will make tick tick on his i-phone and then reply waalikumussalam

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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Muharram and Zulfi

   It was just so that As Muharram of 1446 started , Zulfi, my shiah friend and classmate got a bad stroke, his second one in so many years and had thrombectomy done for his left MCA His doctor children (Kashif keeps in contact with me as Zulfi himself cannot (2 years older than me)  He seems to have made some recovery but I am  waiting for a follow up I did not think he would make it but I am praying for him My classmate from 1952 and yes very kattar shia family, my partner in studies and classes)
Today 11 th of Muharram Our new Part time maid told us she will not start work as she was fasting on Monday and Tuesday (Ashura fasts) Fawzia seems a good practicing Muslim
I am feeling along with my wife that living in this condo house is not very convenient for us old folks we do need a maid badly.
Well, Just now I got the message from Kashif he passed away peacefully  So there we are out of "us" five three are gone and only myself and Frooki (Myself Plus, Zafar Bhutta, Zaheer, Zulfi and Frooki , the five and sometimes a sixth as clse friend and classmate, Asif) are left Sort of waiting for our turn
 Another note today 19th July, Kashif relates that his father died on Ashura and buried on 13th of Muharram just like Imam Hussain RA and of course I had noted that too 

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Friday, June 14, 2024

Birthdays to remember

 10June   Dr Imran Mir  (Nephew)
and then grandsons:
12th June   Adam Tariq
13th June Issa Hassan Ahmad
14th June   Adam Hassan Ahmad (Also called Addoo)
     Sometimes back I had written about June birthdays under
"June Bug"

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Virginia ka pehla blog

Well almost settled in the new home/house//condo
Some comforts of a house are missing and some difficulties (for older folks) are also not seen so it is like khatta meetha
The best PLUS is the children and grandchildren who we see almost daily and that is the heaviest thing here adding to the happiness in our senior days of life alhamdulillah
It may take time for adjustments but eventually I think we will enjoy 

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