Advancements in communication technologies are very heavy on us old folks , more so on me because I have one major deficiency to begin with, Loss of acoustic ability both ears
I have written about this before and when and at what stage of life I started using telephone, the first gadget invented for communication. Then fast forward it to iPhone and its capacities held in your own hands, iPods, iPads etc. etc. Wireless things including TV radio and yes all the above and androids etc. many names I am not even familiar with like blue tooth
So how do we old folks deal with this? Either we force ourselves to learn, (and that isnt an easy job), or be left out completely and ask younger generation to help who then get the message, (decrepit old man cant do a thing does not know any thing) helping us and telling us in their language which isnt the same English that we are used to. We in our own minds know that these youngsters do not know what we had learned in our younger days
The effect of these is individual separation, amounting to loneliness in my language. The whole family is sitting together (like dining table or sitting room) each person has iphone or ipad etc in hand and busy on it Those who do not are watching or playing some game on TV
If you do not have a thing in your hand you are left out and nobody has time to feel sorry for you. They do not know why you dont have a thing in your own hand (and it is your own problem)
From the word " left out" I am reminded of some jokes of Moeen Akhter merhoom, the classical comedian of Pakistan and if he was alive he would have carved out more jokes on these gadgets I am sure
This additional note is NOT about tech advances but
One may consider it that way if you try to think that no gadgets have been invented for communication with PLANTS, only human with humans
My interest in writing this note arose from readinga book "Braiding Sweetgrass"
Yes the plants do listen to human voices and they try to communicate with us in some manners. i was first fascinated by these aspets during my study of Botanical practicals in 1952
I actually touched the samll leaves of a plant to see the leaves close up and it was so very visible and ascinating
Chooiee Mooie or mimosa pudica
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