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Monday, January 26, 2015

Freedom of Speech

Please visit my Urdu blog at خیالات و احساسات

 There has been so much talk in all media about the freedom of speech and most people have expressed prejudiced ideas except the pope and his statement is the one which most media will not agree.
 I will however suggest  my readers to watch the movie of "Malcolm-X". It is a good movie. During the initial scenes and when Malcolm is in jail there starts to talk about Christianity and Islam by the reps of Alijah Muhammad. In such frivulous talks somebody says
 "Jesus Kiss my ass" (Naoozdu-billah)
 I did not like it but the idea gets across that these young persons are not going to listen to 'preachers' which is what the director wants to impress us with. Is this also "freedom of speech?
 Strictly speaking as I have said before I would have same objection if they 'cartoon' of one type or other any of the religious persons such as Gautam Buddh, Confucious, Jesus, Moses, Abraham and so on
 But you see the prejudice has always been fresh against the prophet of Islam Muhammad SAWS and over the centuries it is the Christians who have written against Muhammad SAWS. Killing for which is clearly wrong, is NOT going to stop this and frankly I do not know what is going to stop this but the fact remains we the rest of the Muslims all over the world will keep on listening to this hurtful filth


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