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Friday, September 26, 2014

Prohibition of Alcohol

When I came to US , I was frequently made aware of "prohibition period" in USA (1920 to 1933)
I did not understand then why and how such an act could be accomplished in a society that considers behavior of drunken people to be acceptable/normal. I saw many patients with alcohol related problems and socially also I saw the same thing.  
   Actually first time when I saw such behavior I was 'shocked' because I came from a society where such drinking and behavior was considered commensurate with lowlife and for me to see a respectable person behaving that way was simply shocking. Moon-shine. Bootlegging and Speakeasy type of words and their meanings became familiar to me as my rotation in VA hospital started soon. I was aware of alcohol-related problems from my English Medical experience but American experience was different.  So, although from 1920 (1918 law of 1 as the '' dry " period began the medical/health ill effects of Alcohol deceased in USA, the side effects of illegal activities spread into all other illegal activities and instead of control of crime and improvement of morality both got worse (names like Al Capone were products of that period), although social drinking was not disallowed. The Prohibition act ( 18th amendment ratified in constitution 1920) The prohibition was against production importation transportation and sale.
   This is amazing human behavior and contrasts with the religious prohibition in Islam which was extremely effective and lead to improvement of morality etc., like as we are told the people threw away their liquors and wines in the streets of Madina al-munawwara.
 Alcohol remains at the heart of diseases, crimes, road traffic accidents etc. in this country and there is no way to change it. I have witnessed a lot of disastrous effects of this "Ummul-Khabaith"( Mother of all wickednesses/debaucheries)  on individuals and families during my work as a neurologist. May be I am prejudiced because of being a (practicing) Muslim, but the improved morality after 1920 did not last long and worsening behaviors became apparent within a couple of years and movements to discontinue resulted in the 21st amendment to the constitution repealing the 18th amendment passed three years earlier
(The only example in the US constitution where one amendment is repealing another amendment)

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