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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Surkhi- Piyara Zayd

 I had started my blogs with birth of Musa (5 yrs ago) and now Ayesha my piyari baitee gave us the Eid tuhfa of Zayd. He was supposed to be born on 14or 16th November, but he started making his move on Arafat day and I got suspicious. (he had already been named Zayd) I think this lad was anxious to see what is all the hullabloo about Eid-al-Ad-ha so he decided to join us on Eid day He did not care that his nana and nani had to hurry and to drive to Maryland (from Raleigh) just after salat-el-Eid to welcome him; he was quiet and composed, not bothered about all the difficulty he had put the older folks like us in .
 It was so nice to see him though. He made everybody double happy on this Eid day--our Eidoo baita. May God make him a good person a good Muslim, a good son, a good brother. Surkhi is of course not new by now however it is worth reporting to all of you.

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