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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Surkhi-Ahmedis/Mirzaies

 I sometimes look at Dawn news. Most news are dis-heartening. This one was refreshing, a news about prejudice against Ahmedies deplored, mostly by young writers.

 My own take.
 I prefer to call them Mirzaies because strictly speaking we, the ordinary Muslims are better suited for that name-Ahmadi. I believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was schizophrenic or too much of knowledge of Islam got to him. His teachings initially showed he  had correct understanding but within 10 years period he claimed himself to be a prophet on his own accord. He had followers all along and many continued with him and thus a 'religion' was born which was initially a sect of Muslims "Ahmediyya movement in Islam" and by the time in September 1977 they were declared minority (thrown out of the pail of Islam) the hatred that had appeared over the previous 3-4 decades including some bloody clashes (and I was in Lahore at that time), increased.  Fighting was started by Mirzaies from the railway station of Rabwah (which ,BTWwas clearly a mistake of the new Pakistan Government in 1947).
 I personally have had no respect for the Mirziae sect or religion but I am not against the Mirzaies who I do  NOT consider  Anti-Pakistan. They had established themselves well in Pakistan from the times of Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan and have been loyal citizens of Pakistan. They deserve the same respect as is given to other non-Muslim citizens if not better. Although they are not considered Muslims now but the Muslims need to approach them like they did before that legislation or even better. I know they made mistakes but such things like expelling a student from a teaching institution because of being Mirzaie is ridiculous and deplorable. I believe that the Government should take action against such activity to restore the full rights of these citizens. The Ulama need to do the same and invite these people to mutual understanding rather than continuing polarization which does not serve any purpose. Many of such Mirzaiees believe in Prophethood of Muhammad (SAWS) as the last prophet. The prejudice against the Mirzaies needs to come to rest and bond of mutual cooperation needs to be developed

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1 comment:

mystic said...

Being a nation we are in delirium and unable to process thoughts properly....