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Friday, October 21, 2011

iDoc PVS,PVS-like conditions and Muslims

 Enough was written about Persistent or Permanent Vegetative State when Terry Schiavo was in that condition and national News broke out with the case. Briefly I shall place before you other names/terms that physicians/Neurological physicians use for patients who have suffered irepairable neurological dmage resulting in a state in which:
The patient is unable make any or minimal movements which may not be purposeful; paralyzed in all four limbs. Heart and lung function preserved without assistive devices and sleep-wake cycle.
 He/she may be alert, that is eyes may be open but may not respond to verbal stimuli or may appear to respond minimally
He/she may not have ability to eat or drink or take care of the self-hygiene
 This condition may be temporary or permanent depending on the extent and type of brain damage. Common name used is PVS (Well-defined by and accepted by American Neurologic Association and Americal Academy of Neurology).  I have already stated the other name of Brain death is "Irreversible Coma "Some other names for conditions similar to PVS are
 Akinetic Mutism,
Coma Vigilante
Severe Abulia
Appalic Syndrome
Locked-in Syndrome.
    Each condition must be examined in its own perspective by the physician trained in Neurological sciences to make a definite diagnosis and prognosis explained.
      Islamic understanding for PVS is associated with full care (Palliative care) of the patient including maintenance of nutrition and hydration. The question of how long this should be maintained is very difficult and several factors are involved singly or in combination.(This is not necessarily a comprehensive statement covering all situations)
   The patient in this state is unable to discharge any duties of life required of a Muslim and should have a "No Code" label in the hospital. Beyond that a clear statement cannot be made, for instance of the N/G tube or Gastrostomy  or other invasive procedures be considered in the "extraordinary means of life maintenace" or given a separate consideration. If long time has elapsed (many months, a year or more) and recovery is considered hopeless and depending on the location (Hospital, hospice or home) etc. development of complications such as lung or urinary infection, the treatment options need to be discussed by/with the family and appropriate action taken. Islamic teachings have given us two options to choose from:
     Treat with full effort with all means available when recovery is possible/expected
     Leave the patient/disease to take its normal course without treatment when there is no hope.
 The Muslim family has the responsibility to take appropriate actions and decisions should be made after with consultation with Knowledgeable Muslim Physician and Knowledgeable Islamic Scholar (Telephone consultations may not be appropriate). Continuing extraordinary life-support measures on a presumption of a 'miracle' or because somebody said their loved one came out of coma after so many days or weeks or months, is un-Islamic. I understand there is a lot available on the internet which may be confusing and misguiding instead of guiding and helping because each case has its own conditions for consideration.
(Allah knows best)
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