Put aside your pride
Set down your arrogance
and remember your grave"
From Living and dying with grace
Please visit my Urdu blog at http://saugoreebsc.blogspot.com/ and my Hindi blog at http://wahajuana.blogspot.com/
Saugoree means I was born or I hail from Saugor This is the way they spelt the name of that city of my birth during British days of India. Then I moved at 11 years of age to Kotla a village in the Panjab close to the Kashmir border where I finished my initial education and childhood going on to Lahore for further studies where I got BSc and MBBS and then left for NWFP where I spent 2 1/2 years, teaching in the new Medical School, and from there leaving for UK and then USA
1 comment:
I came to know about PRIDE meaning of modern times related to homosexuality much later So please do not associate what I have quoted here with the modern meanings of this word
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