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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Surkhi--'d'awa' of IAR vs others'

 Islamic Association of Raleigh has a D'awa commmittee
 First what is this d'awa. Urdu speaking people know it as D'awat, meaning invitation (because they pronounce the T of this type of "Ta" that Arabic speaking make the T as silent when ending the word and would pronounce it only when it connects with another word like in"d'awat-ul-Islam")
 In Urdu d'awa is pronounced when it means very different because it  ends in Ya instead of Ta the difference in shapes is given here  دعوۃ  - دعوےا
 I am taking note of the experiences of the persons who are conducting the 'booth for Islam'. Very good results so far, mashaallah they were well prepared for all kinds of visitors and they are learning. The best thing I read, (and knew) was--THEY WERE THERE.
 You dont have to say anything in favor of Islam. just be there.
 ONLY answer questions if asked, and yes the commonest thing ( we all watch on TV) is "salvation", because  that is all their interest is. Every Christian is assured of salvation whereas the Muslim is never assured of salvation or anything.
  Today (7/19/10) a woman came to my door, I answered the door bell. She was African American plumpish lighter color and smiling. I was handed over a piece of paper with the caption
"Draw closer to God"
 I thanked her. Later I read the paper that was an invitation to attend Jehova's Witness's programs to be held at RBC center next month. This is not the first time I found Jehova's witness going door to door.
I remember my patient who liked me very much so he talked about Jesus  PBUH and salvation and God with trinity but could not convince me (I refrained from introducing anything more than Tawheed)
 In the end he said he will pray for me, so I thanked him.

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