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Friday, April 09, 2010

Jum'ah Journal--Extraordinary Rendition

 I did not know the true meanings of it until I read one story of the German fellow named Khalid Al-Masri, who was taken away for mistaken "terrorist", tortured in Afghanistan, found to be innocent, and left open where he was picked up from with strong warnings to the German Government, to keep his case hush hush and they did as most governments these days do for USA.
 This is equivalent to apprehanding a known fugitive but the "extraordinary" has come to mean
 "When, only suspicion is enough to warrant the action and deprive the person of all legal help or process and torture out of USA"
Unfortunately, my state is an accomplice here, i.e. North Carolina. Most persons are  flown from here to any of the countries known to flout human rights, so the persons can be tortured under the supervision of CIA
 Then I read the statements of Candy Rice, Alberto Gonzales and others that extraordinary rendition is most effective method used in Counter-terrorism, fully justified and promulgated legally supported and unfortunately continued by Obama Administration.
 You all also know about Dr. Afia Siddiqi. How the "case' is developed, concocted and constructed to serve the purposes of Governments who wish to do Justice''. Was Hitler and his Nazi party doing something different? Stories are now presented on TV programs as if the Nazis were wrong (But now US does the same thing and it is not wrontg)
 I remember reading stories of Egyptian Government under Gamal Naser what they did for torturing prisoners like those from Ikhwan.
 Injustice will always be a part of human experience and we would see these stories always written by the victims if and when they make it out of the prison/torture. Then I heard the stories of "disappearances" in Pakistan under Musharraf.
So whats new?

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