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Friday, May 29, 2009

Jumáh Journal--Control your words

There is a story about a slave and his master.
Bring the best part of the body for me (Wanted to eat something from the sacrificed animal).
The slave brought him the tongue.
Next he asked bring the worst part of the body for me.
The slave brought the tongue again.
So he asked how come the same thing can be best as well as worst.
The slave explained:
"Sir, use of this part of the body judiciously and properly can elevate your position and use of the same in-appropriately can precipitate your fall."
This is what I remember what I read long time ago.
I will end this by quoting from Hazdrat Ali RA,( I know there is hadeeth of the prophet about guarding the tongue which I am not quoting here.). This is said in a different way:
"Words are under your control until you have spoken them,
but you come under their control once you have spoken them"