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Friday, March 16, 2007

Life before birth part three

If you were a Faqeeh say in 19th century, how would you make a decision about:
When is it lawful in Islam to allow abortion
When the "Ghurra" (blood money for the fetus) becomes applicable and
at what stage the fetus acquires state recognition as a 'legal entity', a person.
Well these are certainly some of the questions related to the ahadeeth I discussed in so much detail before and you can understand the significance thereof. There may still be two "schools' one will say 120 days of pregnancy and the other 42 days (before 'ensoulment'). For more info on these aspects please see the statements of Islamic Medical Association of North America (www., Incidentally they will soon,insha-Allah, publish their statement on 'stem-cells' which, in my judgement is going to be a very knowledgeable and scientific document) Let me divert your attention to another side of the story.
In the early sixties in the children's ward I saw one baby born without arms and little stumps in place of legs. I learnt as a house physician in England the horrible consequences of using a drug called "thalidomide" during pregnancy. A poignant and horrifying reminder of how much the baby is affected by what the 'mother' eats or drinks etc. Now if a mother wants the baby she is carrying to be an equal of Michael Jackson or of Imam Abu Haneefah, I dont need to tell you what she should do or read, or see pictures of, or listen to music or recitation of Qur'an etc.
"It is He who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing, (first) and sight (second) and Intelligence(third) and affections, that ye may give thanks (to Allah)" Surah Nahl, 16th, Ayah 78. (Note my first second and third above)
This is the sequence in which the abilities to hear, to see and to think (this is allegorical hearts meaning of "af-idah) develope in the developing baby so it is advised that the expectant mothers should recite Qur'an with voice daily during pregnancy for the BABY IS LISTENING to the mother. So in addition to all the medical instructions from your prenatal clinics you:
Should use good language and keep away from bad one
Should recite Qur'an with voice daily
Should put more khushoo'a in your namazes
Should have nice Muslim surroundings in your house (fahters to provide all these things)
Not be nervous/ anxious or losing tempers but staying calm and be respectful (fathers to respect and love the mothers-in-making)
Should of course be careful what to eat and drink (did you see what happens to Musa when Ayesha takes a cup of tea (small ammount of caffiene)
Should get blessings of the elders, if available, at the 'baby-showers'
Well, I leave this list in complete and pray for you (all expectant Muslim mothers) to be blessed with a solid Salih Muslim/Muslimah. Aameen.


mystic-soul said...

Now I have 2 questions

1. Is Birth control ok from 'islamic' point of view?

2. Is soul is written to get birth to particular parents. If yes ! how birth control affects it.

I am not looking for definite answers but atlease sharing of opinions.

bsc said...

1) Yes, with Islamic limitations.
2) Birth control does not alter 'written' souls, which is the knowledge ONLY with the creator Himself. Have you not heard of sometimes failing birth control method?

mystic-soul said...

Yes we all know that and that was my post which inititated this wonderful series.

Depending on your time, please tell us about islamic limitations of birth control.

افتخار اجمل بھوپال said...

Jazak allahi khair. You have very nicely brought the point. When I was a child, I heard my mother telling some lady about reciting Qur'aan with voice because child-in-womb listens to it.

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