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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

i-Doc/SS Marriages in Muslims

Biologically speaking marriage is between a male and a female of human species but it is basically from social point of view, a contract in a society and if biology is ignored any two persons can get into this "social contract".
 Since the American society has started recognizing as 'married' even if biologically not appropriate, it seems that Supreme court is right. Law is human here and NOT divine that cannot be changed.
 From medical point of view the principles are not changed. a child can only be born with the help of a uterus which does not occur in a male and an ovum cannot be fertilized unless a male's sperm is provided with or without a sexual intercourse. Of course there are so many biotechnological possibilities that have opened up a new era of families and "family'' concepts are changing but I do not see a woman or her genital system producing sperms or a man or his genital system producing an ovum.
 From family and social point of view what remains to be seen is the children of gay couples and their brought up and their family concepts. Are we going to see no more of a child looking for his/her biological mother as he/she grows up? 
 I doubt that and problems I see for a 'child' who wants to find his/her biological father is huge because the sperm may have come from some bank. (O yes, these banks sell these things, you want a sperm of a huge athlete? or a remarkably intelligent Lawyer? it will cost you accordingly) That does not apply to egg because child has to develop in a Uterus even if temporarily so the "mother" will have to be the "owner of that uterus", the ovum does not matter here.
 I may not live to see those "family problems" but they are bound to come out one day (unless already started  but may be hushed by the gay community, who have powerful lobby))
Such changes spread widely very fast in today's world. So I gather there is a gay Imam and a gay masjid in the USA. The Gay imam conducts Muslim wedding between two persons of the same sex The Imam happens to be a convert, a light colored African-American but he/she can be from any ethnic background. God! what are wee learning as Muslims in our old age.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Who we ask for Justice

In Pakistan that is
 One Urdu journalist writes about final judgement in Shah Zeb murder case that two persons have been given death sentence and both when they came out showed a V sign to the media that they won?
 The journalist then goes on to say these youngmen belong to respectable families and they are assured of NOT getting death but are likely to get out of Jail soon or sometimes in future so they are 'happy' and confident that they are going to get away with the murder inspite of death sentence by the court as has been happening during the last 5 years of PPP/Zardari rule.
 I am just appalled at this statement and at the happiness of the culprits. As the journalist very rightly says this is making fun of the justice system of the country.
 Then he 'hopes' that the new PM will correct such problems. It remains to be seen but what I saw in the pictures was that
 The president  (Zardari) gave the oath of premiership to the new prime minister and NOT the chief Justice
 Now ordinarily I see no harm there but the difference between Zardari and Justice Iftikhar is  huge-almost like asli naqli. To tell you the truth I do not think Nawaz Shareef has enough guts to change anything.

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