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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Robert Burns, a legend

This Scot, known for --Auld Lang Syne--, whose birthday is today jan 25 - 1759  -- Remarkable fellow .
Died at the age of 37 only and made his name  as a poet. I am really surprised But poetry is really is a very strong "Media" no doubt

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Monday, January 20, 2025

Twentieth day of January

There are important events associated for Americans on this dat as there is Presidential ceremony on this day every four years. 
But for me today in our home there is first experience of severe cold that I did not see as much in NC residence O! I have had expereinces like ths before in my life both in England (Was in Durhan Bishop Auckland for a couple of years) as well as in US (was in Cincinnati Ohio for four years)
 So it is not new but it brings to my mind older experiences. Remembering that first time I saw snow was in my visit to Murree in Pakistan
No we did not forget 15th January, children got together here with a small piece of cake and a candle to sing happy birthday to their mom

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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Holiday/Festival Times

These are  Days of celebration
         Christians made 25th December a date of birth of Jesus Christ ( PBUH) although nobody knows the real date
 Hanukkah is Jewish celebration of lights commemorating their freedom from Greek occupation and
 Kwanza is a "manufactured" celebration of African-Americans based on a African tradition, Started by a fellow called "Dr. Maulana Karengay?" from 1966  (Muslim fellow?) and it ia a week long tradition from 26th december to First of January
 Chanukkah Starts for 10 days from December 25
  We, in Pakistan have a birthday rememberance of Mohammad Ali Jinnah on 25th December
Some Muslims have tried to celebrate Birth of Jesus PBUH  on this date joining the Christians but it did not become popular There is no doubt however in yhe belief of Muslims in Fatherless birth of Jesus from Maryam AS

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Friday, December 20, 2024

Codd-neck Bottle

Remembering the sodawaterbottles of my childhood (nineteen thrities The thick glass bottles in which there was a small glass ball that would be pushed forcibly down to release the soda water and the Fizzz It was invented bya London fellow by the name of Hiram Codd and it bacame popular rapidly It was therefore called Codd-neck bottle That was 1872
Interesting indeed. 

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Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday the thirteenth

  I dont know why they had made so much about this 13th date but for us Muslims Friday remains the best day of the week
  Trying to settle down in this new place with timings that need to be  co-related with the times of Hassan who has now two homes to work. for Responsibility of elderly parents for a busy Lawyer is not easy But poor fellow he is trying to do his best with his children being busy for school work and sports etc So his wife Rabia helps too His older son is finding himself busy in self created work which seems to be3 demanding more time than university studies but that is their priviledge Modern day children have different prespective on academics than we had in our days So we just watch them develope their own skills their own way.

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Sunday, November 24, 2024


                      Kemcolians/KEMKANA - keep in touch with me though I do not follow much, but
It is nearing the end of November and I have not written anything new so let me say something about this kemkana
 Well I graduated from KE MED College (Now University) in 1957 , 67 years ago.  Today I got email from Kemcolians of any news for their next publication of newsletter and I thought of writing something but the technological details may fail me how to send it to them as I cant understand the modern tech language
  April 2021  some of us had a Zoom together meeting arranged by6 the sone of one of us Saeed Chughtai and had fun He unfortunately is not with us anymore but Still Ghaus Malik (in NY), MS Farooki (in Canada), Iftikhar Khan (in England), and myself are still going strong , alHamdulillah. So  then I thought who would be interested in knowing about old folks like us as I remember when I had sent this Info of 57, reunion to this newsletter they did not bother to publish and I felt sad instead.
 Of course I dont find any familiar names in the newsletter either 

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bahzad Lakhnavi and his Ghazals

   I wish to talk about earliest music memories of my life, a Ghazal by Behzad Lakhnavi

        Behzad was born on  January ONE, of the year 1900  (interesting the very first day of the twentieth Century)and died Oct 10, 1974. So today being the 10th of October,  it is his 50th Death anniversary, I sort of chose to write this blog for that reason 
 I will relate only two Ghazals here (although he wrote many good Ghazals and Na'ats,) His first ghazal that became popular was;
 Deevana banana hay toe deevana bana day
 This was made famous by the renowned singer Akhteri bai Fayzabadi who is more known now by the name - Begum Akhter. (Who also died in October 1974.) The tune that I remember is the same from Begum Akhter
  Just a little background of music in my family; Those were days when (mid thrities) only Gramaphones were found in cities and the only one such "Baja" was in our neighboring Wakeel saabs home where I used to go frequently for playing (even the earliest family photograph is taken in their garden a year before the birth of my youngest sister Amina) I had not seen any radio anywhere in our aquaintances or neighbors There was only one or may be two cars in our city
 So once in a while Wakeelan (with her husband) woud visit Saugor and then she would play (there were only one or two record discs) one record with the same song like "Ik Bangla banay niyara" or something like that and I was so fascinated with the machine and used to pick up the thrown away needle to keep with me. We all children would sit quietly listening to the record
  Anyway ,In our family (a maulavi family) music as not allowed but father  had allowed my older sisters to participate in dholki and songs in various wedding families as was a custom (was the same in Panjab villages)  Apa Sakina was popular for her dholki playing among the young girls of her days. So my older sisters had picked up this ghazal  from its poularity in India and used to sing from whom I learned that same tune which I still recall and just renewed my knowledge from Google.
 The next Ghazal of Behzad Lakhnavi  that bacame very popular was when I was in college and that was 
Ay jazba-e-dil ger men chahoon, her cheese muqabil aa jayay 
Manzil k liyay do gaam chaloon awr samnay manzil aa jayay
  Indeed these were his master pieces among other Ghazals and na'ats

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